Welcome to St. Joseph Catholic Church


Welcome to our parish in beautiful Palm Bay Fl, we are blessed to minister to over a thousand families in our community; striving to live out the joy of the gospel and serve each other both within our parish and beyond. We warmly invite you to join us in our mission to live out the gospel and serve one another. 

Mass Times

Monday-Friday: Rosary at 8 am; 8:30 am Daily Mass

Adoration following morning Mass on Thursdays until 4:45 pm.

Saturday - 8 am Rosary; 8:30 am Mass, followed by Confessions until 10:00 am.
4:00 pm Vigil Mass

Sunday - 8:00 am, 9:45 am & 11:30 am

Weekly Bulletins

  • Sun, Mar 23rd

  • Sun, Mar 16th

Office Hours

Church office hours are
Monday - Thursday:
9:00 am to 4:00 pm
(Closed for Lunch from 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm)

Friday: 9 am-12:00 pm

9:45AM Mass Live Stream

Click YouTube icon to access


OCA 2025

Message from Bishop Noonan about OCA 2025!

OCA Online Giving!



Dear Parishioners,
I alone cannot change the world. But I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples - Saint Mother Teresa
As we continue our journey of faith together, I write to you with gratitude and hope. Each year, the Our Catholic Appeal provides us with an opportunity to unite as a diocesan family and support the vital ministries that bring Christ’s love to countless individuals. The 2025 Our Catholic Appeal is no exception.
This year’s theme, MY HOPE IS BURNING: I TRUST IN THE LORD calls us to reflect on our shared mission to be the hands and feet of Jesus in our communities. Through your generosity, the Appeal funds essential programs, including:
1). Faith Formation: Supporting catechetical programs for children, youth, and adults, ensuring that the Gospel continues to inspire the next generation.
2). Charity and Outreach: Providing food, shelter, and care to those in need through Catholic Charities and other outreach ministries.
 3). Vocations and Leadership: Nurturing vocations to priesthood, diaconate, and religious life while equipping lay leaders to serve our Church.
4). Parish Support: Strengthening struggling parishes and mission communities across the diocese.
Your support for Our Catholic Appeal is a testament to our commitment as a parish to be active participants in the wider mission of the Church. Together, we can make a transformative impact, bringing hope to the most vulnerable and ensuring the future vitality of our faith communities.
I invite you to prayerfully consider making a contribution to this year’s Catholic Appeal. No gift is too small, as each act of generosity reflects the spirit of Christ’s love. Our total for this year is $137,530. To make your gift or pledge, please visit our secure website at www.ourcatholicappeal.org or if you prefer, return the enclosed pledge card or envelop by mail or bring it with you to mass on weekend of February 15-16, 2025. You might have received the envelope by mail already but if not, you will find it in the pews. If you are doing online payments, please indicate St. Joseph, palm bay, fl.
Thank you for your continued faithfulness and generosity. Let us move forward, united in Christ, and strengthened in service to one another and our brothers and sisters in need.
With prayers and blessings,
Fr. Frankline Rayappa,C.pp.S